Pete Harry Daylilies... Daylilies Of Distinction
Pete Harry Daylilies
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Daylilies Of Distinction

Ultra Violet Blues

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Ultra Violet Blues

TET- 8-10 (Blue Abyss) x (Blue Eclipse x Blue Grass Music)

6", EM, RE, SEV, 36" scape 8, way branching, 42 buds

I have to apologize; this photo does not convey just how beautiful this flower really is.

This daylily is a prime example of the violet-blue colors we are starting to produce. The self-color is light clear lavender, and the eye is striking violet-lavender with a matching petal edge of the same color, finished in silver.

The shape is round and overlapped. Outstanding 36" scapes are 8 ways branched supporting 42 buds. This daylily is the complete package and one of the most important parents in the garden.

Very Fertile

DF $ 150.00