Pete Harry Daylilies... Daylilies Of Distinction
Pete Harry Daylilies
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Daylilies Of Distinction


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FS 6-34 DIP (Blue Crystal X Seedling) 5.5" EM, RE, SEV, 34" Scape 8-way branching

The name comes from the fact that the rich green throat spills out into the large deep-blue eye, giving it a beautiful turquoise effect. A strong burgundy mascara band surrounds the blue eye.

The 5 ½ flowers are very flat with dusty-rose self-color. The candelabra scapes are 34" high with 8-way branching and 50 buds.

When this daylily is at peak bloom, there are so many flowers that you can't see the foliage. The foliage is low, thin and very rust-resistant.

I believe this daylily will be grown for many years due to the amazing show it puts on. Fertile both ways.

125.00 DF